Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Super Summer Reading

What I'm reading this summer:

Summer is the only season where I read book after book after book.  And the season where I ask myself how someone who considers herself a reader and writer can go sooo long without reading a good book!  (Answer to myself: schedule, work, kids, cooking, driving, sports, kids, cooking, laundry....).

Anyway, there's no reason not to have something great on your ipad or kindle at all times, while you're waiting in the carpool line or at yet another soccer practice.  So here's my list of what I'm reading this summer:

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown - this is heavy, but good, and her accompanying TED talk is good, too.  This I'm reading for personal growth & knowledge, and it's a bit heavy, so the heaviness has to be lifted by things like....

Zero Day, The Forgotten, and The Escape by David Baldacci - these were my beach reads.  I always have to have an easy-read thriller or mystery to lose myself in.

The Girl on the Train - a recommendation of my book club.  It was good...with a nice twisty ending.

Dead Wake - I'm just starting this one.  It's about the sinking of the Lusitania, which sounds heavy for poolside reading, but it's by Erik Larson, who wrote Devil in the White City and In the Garden of Beasts.  Hubby recommended it.

The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller.  I always need one spiritual/inspirational book in my bag, so this is it for July.

In between losing myself in these goodies above, I am coaxing, pleading, arguing and threatening my kids to finish their summer reading assignments for school.  Time to go check on their progress.

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